Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Impacting Words

After having Rick Atchley here for a weekend, and then spending the following week at Pepperdine........as you might guess, my cup is FULL! :) I wish I had the whole 10 days or so video taped where I could just relive it. Instead, I have to rely on my memory.......and yes, that is scary. I do have CD's that I bought at PU, and I plan on wearing them out. I think Downtown taped Rick's presentations, and I look forward to hearing them again also. Here are some of the thoughts I have heard these last few days that I hope I never forget.

Rick- I will always remember his words of encouragement to "get out of the boat".....following the example of Peter, so that we don't become a "boat-potato". Sunday night he said something to the college kids that I don't think I will ever forget. He was talking to the kids about how our culture is addicted to "acceptance". We live in fear of not being accepted. That part I had probably thought about before, but here is the jewel he said next. Jesus had NO FEAR of rejection or of not being accepted.........which allowed him to LOVE SO GREATLY and UNCONDITIONALLY! THAT was powerful, and you could see it in the faces of the young people there that night.

Donnie McLaughlin- To me, Don had the best class at PU....and that is a mouthful.
I will never forget him repeating the words of Paul in Galations: "What has happened to all your joy?" Don talked about us recapturing our passion, and not allowing others to squelch it. His first class alone was worth the plane ticket.

Mike Cope- "Her love me" If you want to know the significance of that line, you will just have to buy the CD. I have heard Mike more times in my life than all the other speakers combined, and I don't think I have EVER heard him speak with more heart and passion than he did at these two classes this year! He must have taken a que from Donnie. Combine that with Zoe, and you get a Holy "WOW"! A good friend sat beside me and wept hard the second day when Mike told the story of his sister-in-law saving the slave children in Ghana. It's a powerful witness to what one person can do with faith in the Father.

Monte Cox- Monte had the best key-note in my opinion, and several of them were very good.....especially Harold Shank's. Monte just has a way of communicating that not many folks have. His dry humor cracks me up! His topic was "The Plans I Have for You" from Jeremiah 29. I am not sure there was a dry eye amongst the 4,000 to 5,000 folks in there after Monte sang Michael Card's "I Will Bring You Home". I ordered the Card CD this morning.

As I said, my cup is full.


At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was very good to have been there. I'm still working on sorting it all out in my mind. I just asked a co-worker..."What can I do for you right now." Her eyes sparkled and I think she might feel a little better. (I on the other hand, need to get to work!)

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Donna G said...

If you figure out how to do that video tape....send me a copy!

At 8:12 PM, Blogger annie said...

I've just thought & thought about how wonderful last week in Malibu was. I've kinda been in a "funk" ever since getting back home. I think the lectures combined with the magnificent surroundings give us a glimpse of Heaven, don't you? Cannot wait until next year!

At 12:17 AM, Blogger Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Pepperdine has the best venue in the CofCs ... in my opinion. I think it is even better than Tulsa ... but Tulsa has more things to shop.

Sorry our paths did not cross. I was looking for you but never did find you.

I missed Fleer's keynote but got the CD and it was incredible. And I agree with your words on Acthley.

My cup overfloweth too.

Bobby Valentine

At 8:49 AM, Blogger drjimwhite said...

I'm with you, David. Monte not only knocked a home run, it was a grand slam. It was good to see you again, as always. JW

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Laymond said...

Maybe next year everyone can invite a person from their church along who can't afford the trip, wouldn't that be Godly? share the joy.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Keith said...

I'm with you on Donnie Mac. His talks on joy and passion were at fever pitch. I love that guy. I loved them all. Mike and Monte and Randy gave us a smorgasboard of tools and encouragement. I got to close the week hearing and singing with Psallo on Friday night and they brought the house down with the most energetic singing I may have ever experienced. Thanks for inviting me to go. Lord willing, it will be an annual trek.


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