Monday, June 27, 2005

The Older Brother

We could talk about the parable of the "Prodigal Son(s)" for a LONG time, couldn't we? There are so many deep discussions that evolve out of this special story in Luke chapter 15. I heard Jerry Jones say last year something to this effect: "There were two lost sons in this was lost because of rebellion, and the other was lost because of religion." WOW! Just about all the oxygen was sucked out of the auditorium that we were in. Lost because of religion? Interesting concept.

See if you recognize two traits the older brother exhibited. One, he was opposed to GRACE. Second, he was offended by CELEBRATION. Hmmmm........sound familiar? There really is nothing new under the Sun, is there?

Or under THE Son, either.


At 2:53 PM, Blogger Donna G said...

But just like the older brother, the people he represents today can't see that there is anything wrong with the way they think.

They think nothing of living joyless lives sitting in judgement of those who occasionally stray from the straight and narrow....

wait, I am talking about me, me an my family...That hurts!

At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post and super comments. You know, the older I get, and the more grace I experience, the more you'd think I wouldn't be like that older brother. Yet, I think I am at times, especially in my own family of origin, where I am literally the oder brother, and where they need grace.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger believingthomas said...

whoa nelly. That packs a punch. I noticed the last time I studied this story... that the "religious" brother says what the prodical has been up to. He tells his father he has been with prositutes... How did he know? Did he go and spy on his little brother but did NOTHING to bring him home. In my experienc that seems to fit.

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Steve said...

I think we can be both. I know I am. Giving in to my wants while being judgemental about others. I am glad that the Father loved both of them.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger jettybetty said...

Yesss, that is great! What more can I say--I think the oxygen is sucked out of me as well.


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