Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Your Theology

Since I am still in the stone age on links and all that, let me just encourage you to go to Fajita's blog and click on his link to take the test of where you are in your theology. No, it won't be the definitive answer........but it might be insightful as to where you are using those questions as a criteria. I took it and it told me I was the only one going to heaven. :) Seriously, the results said I was 89% Emergent/postmodern and 89% Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. That might not be exact, but it probably is a pretty good indication of where I am at the present time on this faith walk I am on. And NO.........I did NOT understand ALL the questions, nor did I know all the people that the test alludes to. They didn't even have Jimmy Allen or Max Lucado on there......what's a guy to do?

Here is the web address for Chris's blog where you can click on his link and take it:

Headed out of town tomorrow till the end of the week. I'll have my Pepperdine CD's with me, so as the kids's all good! Oh, and Mark Benton will be with me for part of the trip, and what a blessing that will be.

Thanks for all your suggestions as to what books Jesus might have written. Maybe that will be another blog post one of these days. I thought somebody would turn in the title: "How Wine is Really Grape Juice". :)

I hope ALL you dads have the BEST Father's Day you have EVER had!

Tic, I love you! Thanks for being the best dad any son could hope for.


At 2:38 PM, Blogger Neal said...

Hey- You are just as Emergent/Postmodern as me. Way to go!

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Steve said...

I right there with you on the not knowing who some of those guys were. For the record, I was 96% Evangelical/Wesleyan, followed by 71% Neo Orthodox, then 64% for Emer/PoMo and Fundamentalist. That tie for 3rd cracks me up. I am equal amounts post modern and fundamentalist. Sounds like the theological equivilent of Multiple Personality Disorder.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Donna G said...

I hope you have a Happy Father's Day too!

My head hurts too bad to take the test today....

At 8:00 AM, Blogger drjimwhite said...

I've got another book by Jesus. This one would be called "There Were More Than Three Wise Men." Have a good trip David.


At 8:02 PM, Blogger JP said...

Hmmm... I am 82 % Postmodern, 76 % Weslyan, 50 % liberal, 50% catholic( interesting) and 30 % fundamentalist

At 8:13 PM, Blogger Keith Brenton said...

I still haven't taken the quiz. I like to labor under the illusion that I'm unclassifiable.

But I had a thought about why Jesus never wrote a book (as such) - beyond just having more important things to do, like healing the lame and blind and deaf, casting out demons, raising the dead, raising cain with the Pharisees and driving animals out of His Father's house. Oh, and teaching - that thing He came to do.

Maybe He didn't want the book tour. The autographs. The publicity. The "author" reputation.

I know it was probably different in those days. Not as many people could read (He could; He read in the synagogue), but there's just something about authors that makes people whisper things like, "Oh! That's Yeshua. He wrote that book, you know. Did you hear about what He said in scroll three?" "Well, it'll be banned in Bethlehem, that's for sure." "I hear Judas is spending all the royalties and robbing Him blind." "You'd have to be blind not to see that." "How would He know? All He does is write books."

You know, that sort of thing.

Maybe He was just more interested in spending His short time here writing on lives instead of on paper, or even on tablets of stone.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger David U said...

Keith, I think you are dead on right! Thanks for those insightful comments, brother!



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