Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Even Gas Prices?

I just got thru reading Matthew 6: 25-34........the "don't worry" section of the sermon on the mount. Reckon that includes worrying about how we are going to pay for a tank of gas? My guess is that, yes, even the cost of fuel is included in the things listed NOT to worry about. Easier said than done, huh?

Has the part that says "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" ever bothered you before? I gotta bothers me because I see innocent children starving to death all over the world.

Just being transparent. I'm not saying it makes me lose my faith. I'm just saying it bothers me because I don't understand it.

And it bothers me that kids are dying because they don't have enough nutrition. And they die because of malaria. And AIDS.

All of a sudden gas prices aren't a big worry at all.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bruxy Cavey

No, I had never heard of him either............until Jerry Morgan turned me on to him. Cavey has written a book with the title "The End of Religion: Encountering the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus". Jerry was reading it while we were at the Pepperdine Bible lectures, and suggested that I check it out. I'm always going to pick up anything Jerry advocates, so I ordered it off of Amazon. And I am SO glad that I did! WOW! If you get a chance, go to Amazon or your favorite bookstore like Mardells and get you a copy. He verbalized some things that I have been feeling for several years now. Let me know what you think!


I was in Tulsa all week, hence the no posting. I really love Tulsa, especially because of all the HU alums and friends of HU that we have up there. I was able to spend some time with Greg Taylor, and he told me some wonderful stories of how God is moving in their community and how the body of believers at Garnett is growing in the Lord. If you get a chance to check out their web page, please visit it. I love the way they are reaching out to the folks in their area of Tulsa......and beyond. Love you Greg and Jill!!!


Ahhh........Memorial Day! What do you think of when you reflect on past Memorial Days? I think of chasing a greased pig out at Underwood ball field with Corky Berry and Robert Burch on that day in 1975. I think of cookouts, and baseball games. I remember family get-togethers. I see it as the start of summer, although it was already above 90 degrees one day this past week in Tulsa! YUCK! But most Memorial Days are nice because it HASN'T gotten so HOT yet. Finally, I think of my relatives who have served in the military. THANKS TO ALL OUR VETERANS!!!!!


This is going to come across as bragging, but ask Jan.............I said 6 weeks or so ago that David Cook was going to win American Idol!!!! I didn't get to see all of last night's finale, but I really enjoyed what I did get to see. I think Cook will be a great ambassador for Idol, and I think Archuleta has a wonderful future in front of him. I loved most of the last 10 or so contestants, and I thought Michael Johns got let go too early. I would have had him in the top 3 or 4. I thought Simon was a stand-up guy last night for apologizing for being so hard on David Cook. That took some character. I'm already looking forward to January 2009!

Have a great Holiday Weekend!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

California Judges

The ruling that came down today from the California Supreme Court probably is no shocker to anybody. Here was the opening lines of the AP article:

"In a monumental victory for the gay rights movement, the California Supreme Court overturned a voter-approved ban on gay marriage Thursday in a ruling that would allow same-sex couples in the nation's biggest state to tie the knot."

My prediction is that this ruling, which in essence has the judicial branch saying it will ignore the will of the people, will not help the cause of Senator Obama in his efforts to become the next president of the United States. It will be interesting to hear his take on these events.

I SELDOM post about political things, and will probably continue to stay away from such discussions, as they usually lead to the pig sty rather quickly........but this ruling motivated me to make a prediction.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Since I am on a sports theme kick, please watch this VERY MOVING video. We need a little reminder from time to time that there still ARE folks like this in the world!

Even on the playing field, it's ok to live out the golden rule!

Friday, May 09, 2008

We Need More Coaches Like This One

Check out this powerful witness by a big-time college football coach:

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Last Week

Last week passed WAY too quickly! I always come back emotionally spent and physically worn out. This year was no exception. I have had several days now to rest and reflect on the blessings of attending the Pepperdine lectures again, and here are some of the hightlights:

The singing each time we gathered in the Firestone Fieldhouse for a key-note talk. I really believe it's the closest thing to what heaven is going to sound like that I have ever heard. I could stay there for HOURS singing with those brothers and sisters of mine.

Listening to the key-note lessons each day. Don McLaughlin started us out Tuesday night with a POWERFUL lesson, and it never slowed down. I know I am prejudice, but I thought the Harding guys delivered the best lessons, with Randy Harris leading the way. The guy never ceases to amaze me.

Mike Cope with Zoe every day in the Smothers Theatre. Every day a lot of people had to be turned away because there is just not enough seats to hold everybody that wants to be there! This year may have been the best classes I have ever heard Mike do......the topic being "Grace". Each time I hear him I am reminded of how MUCH he impacted my life the years he was here in Searcy......and THOUSANDS of other lives also. If you can only order CD's from one class, I would suggest you order this one.
Sheryl Thomas sang "Redeemer" for the first time in about 4 years, and just like the last time she did it, I don't think there was a dry eye in the place! UNBELIEVABLE!

Our reception went REALLY great, with LOTS of people coming out to reconnect with old friends and classmates from their time in Searcy. Jerry gives us the biggest room on campus, and we fill it up! If you come next year please plan on stopping by and saying hello to everybody. I want to thank the four Harding Board members who took the time to come and visit with everybody........Jerry Morgan, Jimmy Cone, Bill Chism, and Mark Wallis. From what they tell me, they plan on being there EVERY year!

Hearing the folks from Africa tell their stories. Ida Bazoonona from Uganda just about stole the show Wednesday night, and that is according to Randy Harris who had to try and follow her! Hearing her and her husband Richard, Sarah Ageno, and Chi Ekwenye made me feel like I was back home.......home in Africa. If I had to pick one highlight of the whole week to hold on to, it would be that Chi and I got to sing "Send the Light" together in Igbo. I had not sang that with another Nigerian since 1966. If you don't know about Chi and the orphanage she runs in Nigeria, please contact me so I can tell you more about it. She is an amazing servant for the Lord!

Reconnecting with people that I have loved a LONG LONG time and don't get to see very often.......folks like Tommy Drinnen, Lynn Anderson, Marty Farrar, Doug Foster, Steve Cloer, Bruce Morgan, Charles and Nanette Roberts, Ken and Ann Cope,
Gary Selby, James Wiser, Greg Brown, Tom Olbricht, Curt Sparks, Clayton Tuggle, Bud and Jamie Wilson, Mike Bucchi, and many others I know I am leaving out. I so much appreciate the common love and bond we have as Christians!

Thanks again to Jerry Rushford and his staff for the blessing you give us EVERY year!